January-May 2021 Books read this year so far…
1. David and Goliath By Malcolm Gladwell
2. Eat Dirt By Josh Axe
3. Breaking the Habit of being yourself
4. Running with Horses By Eugene H. Peterson
5. Pilgrim’s Progress By John Bunyan
6. The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel
7. Love Warrior
8. The Language of Emotions By Karla Mclaren
9. Good to Great By Jim Collins
10. Lessons from the Magic Shop
11. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
12. Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill
13. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
14. Kate Bake’s a cake a kate adventure written by Jessica NG and Fong Chua
15. The Spiritual Journey I Marriane Williamson
16. The Spiritual Journey II By Mariane Williamson
17. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
18. A book of 5 rings By Miyanaoto Misashi
19. Women who don’t wait in line by Reshma Saujani
20. The art of Conscious Communication By Audrey Nelson PH.D.
21. Why people don’t heal by Caroline Myss
22. Start with your Why? Simon Sinek
23. Exploring Vibrational Medicine By Richard Gerber
24. A Joosr Guide to start with your Why by Simon sinek, How great leaders inspire everyone to take action by various aurthors
25. Summary Secrets of the millionaire mind
26. The Summary of the Gifts of imperfection by Brene Brown
27. The digital X product formula Start Build and Launch C.J. Black
28. Tao Te Ching
29. Living from a place of Surrender By Michael A. Singer
30. The new 52 Green lantern New Guardians Vol. 1 The Ring Bearer
31. Anatomy of the spirt the seven stages of power and healing By Caroline Myss
32. Living in the Light: Money, Sex, and Power By John Piper
33. Alchemy phycology and the alchemist
34. Endurance By John Piper
35. The Ultimate Secret to getting Absolutely everything you want by Mike Hernacki
36. Summary of the 5 dysfunctions of a team
37. Could I do that? Simon Hartley
38. E2 By Pam Grout
June- Dec 2021
39. The Bondage of the will
40. Psalms
41The Wisdom of insecurity.
42. Your wish is your command
43. The magic of believing By: Claude M. Brison
44. Ask and it is Givin: Learning to manifest your dreams summary by: Gregory Macintyre
45. The wounded Healer By Henril M. Novwen
46. Summary George Orwells 1984
47.Summary see you at the top Zig Zigler
48. The pick up Artist By Mystery
49. Fierce Anger by Angela
50. A Journey of Epic Proportions By Laurette Lee
51. As a man thinketh by James Allen
52, Galatians
53. The Wim Hof Method; Activate your Full Human Potential by Wim Hof
54. 101 amazing philosophical quotes by Jack Goldstein
55. Weight loss hypnosis for women written by: Mindfulness training
56. A joosr guide to Delivering Happiness By Tony HsieH
57. Kindalini Awakening By athena Frazier
58. The Third Door by Alex Banayan
59. A joosr guide to: The 4-Hour work week by Tim Ferriss
60. Summary of Atomic Habits by James Clear
61. The Secret: HERO By Rhonda Byrnes
62. The Sand Box by Ron Waterfield
63. Creating the extra ordinary you by Ron Waterfield
64. Chris Voss: Never Split the Difference
65. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
66. Art of Seduction By Robert Greene
67. A lesson of History: Will and Durant
68. Summary the 4 hour body By Timothy Ferriss
69. Summary of the meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
70. William Shauss and Neil Howe Stauss’s -The Fourth Turning
71. What color is your parachute? Summary Joosr
72. High Magick by Damien Echoles
73. Kundalini Awakening By Rosalie Rowell
74. Invisible Acts of Power By: Caroline Myss
75. Essential Guide for healers By Caroline Myss
76. Think By John Piper
77. Channeling Grace By Caroline Myss
78. When the body says No the cost of hidden Stress By Gabor Mate M.D.
79. The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan
80. Non-violent Communication a language of life By marshall B. Rosenberg Ph. D
81. Round Two- Ding, Ding, Ding =Grace and Glory By Laurette Lee
82. Have you filled a bucket today by Carol Mccloud
83. Falling Forward By John C. Maxwell
84. Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday SUMMARY
85. The mountain is you transforming self-sabotage into self mastery SUMMARY By Jenna Black
86. Grit SUMMARY BY Angela Duckworth
87. Summary of Mastery By Robert Greene
88. Summary of Unshakable By Tony Robins
89. The Wisdom of Poetry By Robert Greene
90. Summary Multipliers By Wiseman and mcKoowan’s
91. Poems God Particles By Thomas Lux
92. Animal Farm by George Orwell
93. What is Love? By Laurette Lee
94. The tale of Flopsy Bunny by Beatrix Potter
95. Im Busy Little Unicorn Door Hanger Book
96. It was a short Summer Charlie Brown By Charles M. Schulz
97.Gut health and Probiotics By Jenny T. Schesche
98. Deepak Chopra: The 7 spiritual laws of superheroes
99. The power of your subconscious Mind
100. The 4 loves by C.S. Lewis
